Whether you are having the
Monday Blues or
feeling 50 Shades of Grey,these Versatile & Elegant Jackets will give you that Confidence in a subtle way!
Made to perfection
Functional buttons
lapel hole
hand stitches
notch lapel or peak lapel
tailored to your every needs!
Hong Kong Showroom:
Shop 31, Far East Mansion Ground Floor,
5-6 Middle Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852)23667194, Fax: (852)23674491, Mobile:(852)91304000
Shop Hours: (Mon-Sat) 9:15am- 9:00pm; (Sun) 11:00am-4:00pm
Our Mission is to provide Exceptional Quality Clothing at a Price Affordable to YOU!
Danny Chandiramani,would like to
Thank You for your Friendship,
Loyalty, & Support!!!
Our Success would not be possible
without YOU!
The Journey of a Stylish Man
Begins here...
Wardrobe Builder Package
2 Suits. 1 Blazer, 1 Sports jacket, 2 Slacks,
& 6 Shirts (4 Ties FREE)
US$ 2489.00
God made you a Man, We make you look like a Gentleman...